The Basic Randomness Value (BRV) is a table with four 16-bit values in our demo. The name indicates that these values are the information needed to finish the production of the random number. The final calculation from this point on is an algorithmic procedure in combination with the FAAP, to distribute the bits from these values to four different Final Addresses, and the specific BFT, from where the next bit to add to the random number is selected out of 32768 ones or 32768 zeros.
At the beginning of the next bit-fishing, one out of the four BRVs is newly created, due to the fact that all 16 bits were contributed to the last four Final Addresses. To generate a new BRV we take the upper 16 bits from the next LCG-value and execute an XOR bit-wise with the next FeedBack Modifier FBM. The XOR-operation (Exclusive-OR) means that the bit-position with only one "1" on the LCG-value and the FBM-value will result in a "1". If both bit-positions are zeros or ones, the result will be a "zero". From the four possible cases 0/0, 1/1, 0/1 and 1/0 we get in two cases a "zero" and in two cases a "one". If we have on the two operands random values with 50 percent probability for a "0" or a "1" at each bit-position, we can produce a different new random value with the XOR-operator as the probability for every bit-position is also 50 percent for a "0" and 50 percent for a "1".
In the demo we show this effect by superposing both values in the third field. If a clear "0" or a clear "1" appears on a bit-position, we see that we have 0/0 or 1/1, resulting in a "0" bit at this position. If we see a combination of a zero and a one, we have either 0/1 or 1/0, and the result will be "1".