The Basic Modifier BM is a table with sixteen 16-bit values in our demo. During the seeding process the values of these integers are calculated and they are not modified until the next seeding.
In contrast to the FAAP there doesn’t exist any limitation to these values. That means that for the 256 bit of the table (16 x 16 bit) 1.1579... * 10exp77 (2exp256) possible values exist. The philosophy of these values is to have a unique pattern for every variant based on some values from the BFT and from a unique part of the LCG random numbers. As these values stay in effect during the whole course of the generator program they ensure the best independence between different streams of random numbers, in addition to different BFTs, different parameters and a different seeding of the LCG.
In the demo this is done by "fishing" with the help of the LCG 128 bits from the BFT-table (values to elements number 1,2, 5,6, 9,10,13,14) and to store the original upper 16 bits from the LCG to the elements number 3,4,7,8,11,12,15,16.